It's Migratory Bird Day! Help Us Grow Our Flock

It's World Migratory Bird Day! Help us celebrate and expand protections for migratory birds in Connecticut by growing our flock!

Invite your friends and neighbors to take the Lights Out CT Pledge at We can JOIN TOGETHER to help protect birds by shutting off our lights from 11pm to 6am every night during during peak bird migration (Spring: April 1 - May 31; and Fall: August 15 - November 15). Tell your friends how they can help too!!

Each time you convince a friend to join Lights Out CT, you increase your chances of receiving one of three fun, bird-themed gifts—a Wingspan game board, a $35 gift certificate to The Fat Robin, and a pair of Darn Tough bird socks! Be sure to tell them to NAME YOU on our pledge form when they answer “how they heard about Lights Out CT.”

We will have a randomized drawing on Friday, October 20th, to see who receives our awesome gifts, PERFECT for any bird lover.


Lights Out Halloween Display Wows Visitors at Sharon Audubon Center’s ‘Pumpkin Trail’!


Guilford Conservation Commission Calls for ‘Lights Out’